
Antibacterial spectrum of gentamicin. The in vitro activity of the drug was drawn as a curve of the cumulative percentage of strains at increasing minimum inhibitory concentrations that became known as "Finlandograms" because of their unique and clear presentation.

Antibacterial action of serum of normal young men after single doses of ampicillin given intramuscularity with or without probenecid and after oral doses given fasting or after a meal. This type of figure representing serum concentrations and urinary excretion in normal subjects appeared in numerous articles by Finland and his staff.

Pneumococcus Type IV meningitis with bactericidal complicating otits media. Treatment with sulfanilamide by mouth, intravenous specific antipneumococcic rabbit serum, and similar serum mixed with fresh non-immune sera intraspinally. Untoward reactions following intravenous injections. Block due to thick exudate and edema. Failure to grow pneumococci from lumbar and cisternal fluid after treatment. Death after thirty-two hours. Autopsy: bilateral acute otitus media; acute purulent meningitis; mild pulmonary congestion. Type IV pneumococci were cultured from the cortex of the brain, but no organisms were grown from the cultures of the lumbar, cisternal and ventricular fluids.