Extractum Humulus Lupulus

Dublin Core


Extractum Humulus Lupulus


Latin Name: Humulus Lupulus

Common Name: Extract of the common hop

Classification: Astringent, tonic, narcotic, soporific, and anodyne

Isolated Drug/s: None

Medicinal Usage: Humulus Lupulus is used in malt liquors as a stomachic, or alternatively as an antaphrodisiac. The seeds of the hops, lupulin, contain the active ingredient and preparations containing them are the most effective. The combination of tonic and narcotic properties makes Humulus Lupulus an excellent remedy in mania-a-potu (alcoholic mania).

Hop pillows can be used as a hypnotic. Preparations of hops given internally are effective in reducing restlessness, inducing sleep, and easing pain. Effective dosage forms include an infusion or tincuture, a powder, and pill. Topically they can be applied as a poultice to ease painful swellings or tumours.

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Specimen: Humulus Lupulus L. Image courtesy of the New England Botanical Club.




“Extractum Humulus Lupulus,” OnView, accessed July 27, 2024, https://collections.countway.harvard.edu/onview/items/show/18235.