Potassae Carbonus Impurus

Dublin Core


Potassae Carbonus Impurus


Latin Name: Potassae Carbonus Impurus

Common Name: Potassium carbonate, otherwise known as lixiva or potash

Classification: Deobstruent, attenuant, diaphoretic, antacid, diuretic, and aperient

Isolated Drug/s: None

Medicinal Usage: A salt prepared by burning plant material with close, smothering heat. It is a mixture of one part carbonic acid, one part potassa, and two or three parts water.

Potassae Carbonus Impurus is used as an antacid in dyspepsia and a diuretic in diabetes, but also in the treatment of scurvy, believed to be a dietary deficiency in potassium. It is also sometimes used as an anti-inflammatory in respiratory conditions. Dose is usually given in sweetened aromatic water.

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Specimen: Alum. Image courtesy of the Harvard Mineralogical and Geological Museum.




“Potassae Carbonus Impurus,” OnView, accessed September 17, 2024, https://collections.countway.harvard.edu/onview/index.php/items/show/18229.