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From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.

Harvey Cushing published this historical account of Base Hospital No. 5 soon after the war's end, as it was "one of the Units of the American Expeditionary Force to be sent overseas; it was the first to suffer casualties at the hands of the enemy;…

Harvey Cushing published this historical account of Base Hospital No. 5 soon after the war's end, as it was "one of the Units of the American Expeditionary Force to be sent overseas; it was the first to suffer casualties at the hands of the enemy;…

Case history: This radius and ulna was from a 35 year old soldier injured on July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg. His radius was fractured by gunshot and his ulna by a two inch long piece of fragmented gun barrel. The soft tissue of the soldier's arm was…

Harvard's first involvement in World War I was staffing the American Ambulance Hospital in Neuilly during the spring of 1915; it was the second unit dispatched from the United States to the hospital. The Harvard Unit had a surgical staff, under…

Concerning Base Hospital No. 5 was, according to its editors, originally conceived "on the same idea of a college year book, to contain personal write-ups of every member of the unit…. Steps were immediately taken to get together pen sketches of…
While few early photographs exist of the Harvard Medical School building on North Grove Street, considerable information about the structure and its interior can be found, ironically, in the published transcripts of the 1850 murder trial of John W.…
Principally a translation of the De chirurgia of Paul of Aegina, the Chirurgie françoise of Jacques Dalechamps incorporates information from other Classical writers as well as from Ambroise Paré, the foremost contemporary authority on…

Harvard graduate, Charles Benedict Davenport, was one of the leaders of the American eugenics movement. In 1904, he became the director of the Carnegie Institution’s Station for Experimental Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor, on Long Island, and…




Bill for medical services to Thomas Foxcroft, including charge for "his negro man, Cambridge."

Statistical profile of American slave holders in 1850.

Statistical profile of number of slaves in America in 1850.

Statistical profile of the slave population of the United States in 1850.

Statistical profile of the slaveholding population of the United States in 1850.

20182_v2 copy.jpg
Denison’s type of stethoscope. The ear pieces are made of dark brown wood (?) which lead into flexible woven tubes and a large chest piece. Originally this type of stethoscope comes with three interchangeable chest pieces for hearing different types…

This bronze medal by French artisan Leon Deschamps, honoring Harvard's president, was struck in 1907 as part of the John Harvard tercentenary celebration and depicts President Eliot at the time of the Quad's dedication. The reverse depicts the…

Detecto Scale.jpg
Detecto Physician Scale with 350 lb. capacity used in the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health's Longitudinal Study of Child Health and Development (1930-1987)
In 1929, Robert Latou Dickinson, MD visualized the relationships among organizations in this chart, created for the Committee on Maternal Health (CMH), an organization he established as a medical counterpart to Sanger’s Birth Control League.
Another barrier, as Dickinson argued in a lecture he prepared for Margaret Sanger’s first world congress on birth control in 1934, was the lack of scientific knowledge of human reproduction.

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