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From box labeled "Switzerland and Family" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "St. Croix. Switzerland" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "St. Croix. Switzerland" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "St. Croix. Switzerland" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "Switzerland Family" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "Switzerland Family" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "Switzerland and Family" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "St. Croix. Switzerland" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "Algeria," containing images of Kazanjian and his family on vacation in Algeria and Switzerland.
From box labeled "St. Croix. Switzerland" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "St. Croix. Switzerland" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "St. Croix. Switzerland" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "Camier pictures. Helene as Baby." containing stereoscopic photographs of Dr. Kazanjian's daughter, Helene, and family, as well as miscellaneous pictures of the return trip from Europe after the war and family vacations.
From box labeled "St. Croix. Switzerland" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "St. Croix. Switzerland" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "War Slides," including pictures of Camiers patients, officers, town, and hospital.
From box labeled "Switzerland Family" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box labeled "Switzerland and Family" containing pictures from a Kazanjian family vacation.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.

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Semi-spherical vitallium mold used for hip arthroplasty

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Semi-spherical vitallium mold. There is a rectangular red and white label with "12e Vitallium Cup" handwritten in black ink.

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Reddish-brown semi-spherical viscaloid mould used for hip arthroplasty

Semi-spherical viscaloid mold. There is a rectangular red and white label with "12c Red Viscaloid Cup" handwritten in black ink.

Semi-spherical viscaloid cup. There is a tag with the item with "Viscaloid Cup" handwritten in black ink.

Cylindrical metal tool with a circular piece and thin pointed tip at one end and a thick band at the other. Probably used for measuring.

Semi-spherical stainless steel mold. There is a red and white label with "12d Stainless Shape Cup" handwritten in black ink.

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Semi-spherical stainless steel mold

Small flanged stainless steel nail used in orthopedic operations. The flanged nail was devised to bring about absolute fixation in all directions and displace a minimum amount of bone.

Small flanged nail used in orthopedic operations. The flanged nail was devised to bring about absolute fixation in all directions and displace a minimum amount of bone

Small flanged nail used in orthopedic operations. The flanged nail was devised to bring about absolute fixation in all directions and displace a minimum amount of bone.

Small flanged nail used in orthopedic operations. The flanged nail was devised to bring about absolute fixation in all directions and displace a minimum amount of bone.

Small flanged nail used in orthopedic operations. The flanged nail was devised to bring about absolute fixation in all directions and displace a minimum amount of bone.

Small flanged nail used in orthopedic operations. The flanged nail was devised to bring about absolute fixation in all directions and displace a minimum amount of bone.

Small flanged nail used in orthopedic operations. The flanged nail was devised to bring about absolute fixation in all directions and displace a minimum amount of bone

Chrome steel tool with a thick ridged handle, a cylindrical middle segment, and a pointed tip

Metal gouge that is curved in three sides at one of the ends and has a handle on the other end. Bone chisels are used for carving small pieces out of the bones to reach the inner soft part. They are also used to score, cut, scrape, clean and sculpt…

Three broken pieces of a semi-spherical glass mold used for hip arthroplasty

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Off-white semi-spherical bakelite mold used for hip arthroplasty

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Small metal bell-shaped reamer with ridges and an adjustable handle

Microscope slide of the small intestine of a lizard. Small intestine composed of a thick section of tissue encased in clear resin. Tissue image is magnified four times.
From box labeled "Family" containing pictures of Dr. Kazanjian's daughter Helene and family, as well as miscellaneous pictures from France during World War I.
From box labeled "Algeria," containing images of Kazanjian and his family on vacation in Algeria and Switzerland.

Statistical profile of the slaveholding population of the United States in 1850.

Statistical profile of the slave population of the United States in 1850.

Catalog entry: A cranium, showing a ball lodged in the frontal bone, just above the right orbit and towards the median line, and which had been in that situation for about twenty-five years. The patient, aged forty-five, was sail-maker on board the…

Skull of Phineas Gage.jpg
Prepared human skull on an adult man with sectioned skull top and disarticulated mandible. Skull has healed fracture line through left orbit ending in large opening with partially healed skull flap.

These are images of Johann Gaspar Spurzheim's skull. This human specimen is one of the artifacts held in the Warren Anatomical Museum. Spurzheim's skull had originally belonged to the Boston Phrenological Society (BPS) collection, an organization…

A sketch of the plan of Base Hospital No. 6 from the diary of Paul Dudley White, May 1918.

Photograph of the skeleton of the Warren mastodon, a portion of the zeuglodon, and other fossils in the Warren Museum of Natural History

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Sixth plate (2 3/4" x 3 1/4") cased daguerreotype of post-injury Phineas Gage. Portrait-style image depicts Gage holding the tamping iron that caused his 1848 frontal lobe injury. Bar marked with inscription from the Warren Anatomical Museum. As with…

A list of students in attendance at the New England Female Medical College during the 1863-64 term along with a list of the graduates of the Class of 1864.

This printed version of Rush’s medical lectures at the University of Pennsylvania includes an 1810 lecture on the study of medical jurisprudence—thought to be the first American treatise published on the subject. Rush opens his lecture stating,…

Mounted photograph of Sir William Osler, inscribed to Henry Rouse Viets, January 26, 1917.

Photograph of Sir William Osler in his library at 13 Norham Gardens, Oxford, standing at fireplace before portraits of Thomas Linacre, William Harvey, and Thomas Sydenham.


Photograph of Sir Francis Galton from his book Memories of my life. Found on the plate facing page 244.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.

Like the Alvan Fisher oil portrait, this silhouette of J. G. Spurzheim appears to have been produced during his final years on his tour through the United States. The object in his hand is, of course, a skull.
Following the reorganization of the Medical Fraternity as the Medical Society, the members used this volume to record changes in the by-laws. New members added their signatures upon admission to the society through 1881.
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5. 1917-1919 .H. C. Cranial Wounds 1917 & 1918." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.

From a collection of cards and objects sent to the Brigham and Women's Hospital by well-wishers after the terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The collection represents a fraction of the items of support, sympathy, and…
From a box of 25 lantern slides from Harvey Cushing's service with U. S. Army Base Hospital, number 5. Made by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts.
From a set of two boxes of lantern slides by Dr. Robert Battey Greenough, covering his service in 1915 with the First Harvard Unit and the American Ambulance in France during World War I.

Pamphlet created in 1985 by the Joint Committee on the Status of Women detailing resources to those experiencing sexual harassment.

The subject was a German machinist, age thirty-seven. Born in 1815. The patient believed the hand was an advantage at playing the piano. He died of chronic diarrhea at Massachusetts General Hospital in March 1852. The limb was removed and…
Dr. J. Collins Warren developed this particular model of dissection knife for use with tumors of the breast and had them produced by Codman and Shurtleff, the famous Boston firm of instrument makers. Dr. Warren presented this set to his colleague,…
The Free Hospital’s Chief Surgeon, William Graves, and his successor, Frank A. Pemberton, assembled a strong staff of clinical researchers: from left: George V. S. Smith, who with his wife Olive, proposed uses for the synthetic estrogen, DES; John…

In 1945, the Department began to offer these educational seminars. The advanced session for medical examiners, coroners, and pathologists was conducted in association with Boston University and Tufts College.
The fall 1945 seminar in homicide…

Latin Name: Semina Colchicum Autumnale Common Name: Bulb of autumn crocus, or meadowsaffron Classification: Narcotic, diuretic, and diaphoretic Isolated Drug/s: Colchicine Medicinal Usage: Toxic and potent. The bulb of Colchicum Autumnale is…

Latin Name:Semina CardamomCommon Name: Cardamom seedsClassification: Aromatic, carminative, and diaphoreticIsolated Drug/s: NoneMedicinal Usage:Semina Cardamom are employed as a corrective agent to stimulant, tonic, and purgative medicines. Often…

1 framed silhouette of Horace Wells.
A treatise on Kabbalah, astrology and fortunetelling with elaborate diagrams of the zodiac. Ibn Ezra was an earnest apologist for astrology and translated many astrological treatises from Arabic into Hebrew. Maimonides, using Biblical law as a guide,…

Calendar- and almanac-making manuals were commonly used to calculate the solar and lunar Jewish calendar. In the fourth century CE, a fixed calendar was established based on astronomical and mathematical calculations. This calendar is still used, and…

Microscope slide of a cross section of a human incisor
Part of a collection of photographic negatives for images taken by Richard U. Light (1902-1994) of senior medical and surgical staff of the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, from 1930 to 1935, during the period of his surgical…

An 1856 graduate of Harvard Medical School and son of faculty member, John Ware (1795-1864), Robert Ware was an inspector with the United States Sanitary Commission and later a surgeon with the 44th Massachusetts Volunteers. Nearly fifty letters…
During the course of the AMA meeting, demonstrations, lectures, models, photographs and slides, and other anatomical, pathological and scientific exhibits were all mounted in the amphitheaters, laboratories, and museum galleries of the new buildings.…

This Laundy scalpel and probe were the surgical instruments used by Dr. John Collins Warren at the first public operation under ether at the Massachusetts General Hospital on October 16, 1846. Dr. Warren presented the instruments along with his card…
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5. 1917-1919 .H. C. Cranial Wounds 1917 & 1918." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
This instrument was part of an ornamental set of scalers, mirrors, and a turnkey belonging to Thomas B. Hitchcock, former Dean of the Dental School.

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