Case Report of Corporal Snowdon
Dublin Core
During World War I, Dr Kazanjian used his unique surgical skill to treat the soldiers severely disfigured during combat. In 1915, he was appointed Dental Chief of the First Harvard Unit organized to serve overseas with the British Forces. He established the first dental and maxillofacial unit clinic in France as part of the Unit's services at the General Hospital in Camiers. This clinic was eventually moved to enlarged facilities and continued until February 1919. Dr. Kazanjian treated approximately 3,000 patients and he was eventually dubbed "Miracle Man of the Western Front."
On July 6, 1916, Corporal F. N. Snowdon was admitted to the Dental Ward with severe wounds to the face and jaw. By using a prosthetic appliance, Dr. Kazanjian was able to reconstruct Corporal Snowdon's face.
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