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Dr. Bibring collaborated with Dr. Cobb while at Harvard Medical School and Dr. Zetzel on issues with child psychology.
Dr. J. Collins Warren developed this particular model of dissection knife for use with tumors of the breast and had them produced by Codman and Shurtleff, the famous Boston firm of instrument makers. Dr. Warren presented this set to his colleague,…

Post-mortem set of fifteen instruments.

Metal swan neck curved gouge with an octagonal handle and a sharp convex spatula shape tip. The large gouge was first used in 1944.

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Metal semi-spherical reamer with a toothed edge. There is a round metal label with "Cup Reamer" handwritten in black ink.

Autograph presentation inscription "from E. A. Codman to Henry P. Bowditch" on verso

Polish physician Tobias ben Moses Cohn knew nine languages and was court physician to five sultans in Adrianople. In 1724, he moved to Jerusalem. The Ma’aseh Tobiyyah [“Works of Tobias”] is an encyclopedia of theology, botany,…
The Dental Museum acquired and displayed manuscript and archival items, books, and photographs related to the history of the school and the profession of Dentistry. The letter from Dr. C. O. Cone, demonstrator of mechanical Dentistry at the…

Alasdair Conn Buffalo Talk.pdf
PowerPoint presentation slides created by Dr. Alasdair Conn of Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. Conn presented the PowerPoint as a Guest Lecturer at a meeting of the Buffalo Surgical Society on 13 November 2013 and as a Grand Rounds Lecturer,…

A bill for the sterilization of inmates of prisons and insane hospitals “by whom procreation would be inadvisable” was introduced into the Connecticut legislature by Representative Wilbur F. Tomlinson in February, 1909. The bill passed…
The Viaticumis a systematic and detailed medical handbook originally written in Arabic and translated at least 3 times into Hebrew. Its popularity in medieval Europe is well-documented. The Latin translation on view here is almost certainly the work…
Harvard's Assistant Professor of Music, F. S. Converse, composed this choral work for the dedication of the new Medical School buildings on September 26th. A chorus of alumni under the direction of Harvard's choir-master performed the piece. A…

Line engraving after Henry Anelay.
Dr. William Parker Cooke (HDS 1881) compiled these various recipes for the composition of artificial teeth from notable dental practitioners, including Thomas H. Chandler, Daniel Harwood, and Samuel F. Harris.

This amputated head of the left humerus was excised from a soldier in the American Civil War. He was shot at the battle of Fredericksburg. The amputation was performed sometime after the injury by Algernon Coolidge and was successful. The soldier was…

This renowned publication catalogues different types of dislocations and lists their appropriately corresponding treatment. It was referenced throughout the trial of Lowell vs. Faxon and Hawkes.

Photograph of the Oliver Wendell Holmes memorial and sundial on the Charles River Esplanade

Louis Tompkins Wright, MD (1891-1952) was born on July 23, 1891, in La Grange, Georgia, was son of physician Dr. Ceah Ketcham Wright. Dr. Wright died when Louis was four years old, and his mother, Lula Tompkins Wright, later remarried another…

Former professor of surgery at the New-York Medical College, Abraham L. Cox resigned his New York practice at the opening of the war and became the Surgeon-in-Chief, 1st Division, 20th Corps, of the Army of the Cumberland. "Hastened by the labor and…

Metal measuring device with an adjustable screw at the top and in the middle. Maximum opening of 6.5 cm.
At head of title: To the public. Geoge W. Crawford, having become crippled, and not willing to become a burden to the public, after suffering acutely for over ten years, takes this means of gaining a livelihood, and most respectfully craves your…

Silhouettes and autographs of members of the Harvard Medical School Class of 1909 with color illustration of the Circle of Willis
William Cruickshank's study of the lymphatic system was presented to the Boston Medical Library by its first librarian, Dr. John Fleet (1766-1813)
In the early nineteenth century cholera epidemics were common. The disease struck its victims rapidly and spread fear amongst the populace. Medical science was ineffective against cholera until John Snow's discovery of its contagion through…
Amidst the chaos of her home a grotesque woman is fixated on a conjuring a cure for her corns. Cruikshank is commenting on the pitfalls of self-medication.
This print is part of a set that illustrates the discomforts and pain of illness. Note the use of the little demons to explain the cause of pain and illness.
This print is part of a set that illustrates the discomforts and pain of illness. Note the use of the little demons to explain the cause of pain and illness.

This print is part of a set that illustrates the discomforts and pain of illness. Note the use of the little demons to explain the cause of pain and illness.

As a medical student Harvey Cushing, along with classmate, Ernst Amory Codman, resolved to improve the technique for giving ether and created the first known ether charts, (front of one chart reproduced here) carefully recording patient pulse,…

As a medical student Harvey Cushing, along with classmate, Ernst Amory Codman, resolved to improve the technique for giving ether and created the first known ether charts, (back of one chart reproduced here) carefully recording patient pulse,…
Even the most renowned of neurosurgeons was once a first-year medical student, as illustrated by this volume of Harvey Cushing's notes on the anatomical lectures of Thomas Dwight. The Harvard Medical School student at this period attended anatomy…
From a box of 25 lantern slides from Harvey Cushing's service with U. S. Army Base Hospital, number 5. Made by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts.
From a box of 25 lantern slides from Harvey Cushing's service with U. S. Army Base Hospital, number 5. Made by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts.
From a box of 25 lantern slides from Harvey Cushing's service with U. S. Army Base Hospital, number 5. Made by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts.
From a box of 25 lantern slides from Harvey Cushing's service with U. S. Army Base Hospital, number 5. Made by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts.
From a box of 25 lantern slides from Harvey Cushing's service with U. S. Army Base Hospital, number 5. Made by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts.
From a box of 25 lantern slides from Harvey Cushing's service with U. S. Army Base Hospital, number 5. Made by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts.
From a box of 25 lantern slides from Harvey Cushing's service with U. S. Army Base Hospital, number 5. Made by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts.
From a box of 25 lantern slides from Harvey Cushing's service with U. S. Army Base Hospital, number 5. Made by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts.
From a box of 25 lantern slides from Harvey Cushing's service with U. S. Army Base Hospital, number 5. Made by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts.
From a box of 25 lantern slides from Harvey Cushing's service with U. S. Army Base Hospital, number 5. Made by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts.
From a box of 25 lantern slides from Harvey Cushing's service with U. S. Army Base Hospital, number 5. Made by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts.
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