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With Miriam Menkin, Rock paved the way for the million-plus children since conceived through in vitro fertilization. With eggs harvested from consenting women having hysterectomies, Menkin fertilized the first egg in vitro in 1944.
The hospital was the focal point of Rock’s early career and provided him with the needed participants to conduct his various research trials. His infertility studies here would later provide crucial information concerning the effects of hormones on…
Another project was under way at the same time by Rock and Miriam Menkin that focused on in-vitro fertilization. Gregory Pincus had previously performed successful in-vitro fertilization studies with rabbits earlier in his career at Harvard. The…
Gregory Pincus had success testing a hormonal compound in animals; to pursue oral hormone contraceptive for humans, he needed an experienced clinician. Rock, who had used hormone treatments to successfully halt ovulation in his infertility patients…
As the IVF experiments continued, adjustments were considered from the initial protocols established in 1941.
These notes outline the procedures for the year’s work on in-vitro fertilization. Along with the outline came a test tube sketch from James Snodgrass to Miriam Menkin.
Each participant that entered into the Rock-Hertig study was asked to fill out a survey form and monitor her cycle, as well as record dates of coitus. This information was then used during the ‘egg hunting’ process after surgery.
In response to the 1929 NCHM survey, Harvard Medical School’s Dean David Edsall reported, “The men are taught something of the methods of contraception and sterilization during their regular course work, but there is no specific class in…
The pill was intensely scrutinized by the Food and Drug Administration. Results from these trials lead the FDA to approve the Enovid pill in 1957, but only for disorders of the female reproductive system. Searle would then seek the approval for the…
One letter from many addressed to Dr. Rock by women interested in birth control and other fertility matters. In this letter, the author applauds his work as described in the Good Housekeeping article, and asks where to find more information on the…
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