Browse Items
- 1831 Massachusetts Anatomy Act
- 1920-1967
- 1969-1983
- 1983-Today
- 19th century Hospital
- 60 Minutes
- A Moment's Insight
- A student's dream
- A. A. Robinson
- A. L. Peirson
- abortion
- Abraham Stone
- acupuncture
- Aerial bombing
- Aesculapiad
- African American dentists
- African American physicians
- African American women physicians
- Aftrican-American physicians
- Ake
- Alan Guttmacher
- Alan Richards Moritz
- Albert Sands Southworth
- alcoholism
- Alexander Hett (1807-1870)
- Alfred Swaine Taylor
- Alfred Velpeau
- Alma Dea Morani
- Alma Dea Morani Award
- almanacs
- Ambulances
- American Ambulance Hospital
- American Ambulance Hospital. Harvard University Service
- American Association of Plastic Surgeons
- American Medical Association
- American Psychoanalytics Association
- American Roentgen Ray Society
- American Society of Tropical Medicine and Health
- amputation
- anacephaly
- Anatomical laboratories
- Anatomical museums
- anatomy
- Anatomy -- Study and teaching -- Massachusetts.
- Anatomy-Legislation
- Andersonville Prison
- Andrew Oliver
- Andrew Oliver Waterhouse
- Anesthesia
- Anesthesia in obstetrics
- aneurysms
- Angiography
- Angiography | Arteries--diagnostic imaging | Arteries--Radiography | Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Angiographic Core Laboratory | Cineangiography | Heart--diagnostic imaging | Heart--Radiography | Paulin
- Anna Freud
- Anne Pappenheimer Forbes
- Annie Reich
- Antislavery movements -- Great Britain
- apothecary
- Aquatints
- Arabic medicine
- archaeology
- Archives for Women in Medicine
- Aristotle
- Arizona
- Army
- Arsenic
- Art Institute of Boston
- Arteries -- diagnostic imaging
- Arteries -- Radiography
- Arthur T. Hertig
- Astley Cooper
- astrology
- astronomy
- Audrey Evans
- Auguste Nelaton
- Augustus A. Gould
- Autopsy
- Auzoux model
- Avicenna
- azathioprine
- Babb Painting
- Ballard Collection
- Bandages and bandaging
- Barbara Barlow
- Bartolomeo Vanzetti
- Base Hospital No. 6
- Basilosauridae
- Battle of the Somme
- Baumgartner Collection
- Benjamin Barrett
- Benjamin Rush
- Benjamin Stone
- Benjamin Waterhouse
- Beth Israel Hospital
- Beyond the Bone Box
- birth control
- Bobby Murray
- Body of Knowledge
- Body of Knowlege. A History of Anatomy (in 3 parts)
- Boericke & Tafel
- bombing aerial
- bone fractures
- bones
- bookplate
- Bookplates
- Boston
- Boston Athenaeum
- Boston City Hospital
- Boston Hospital
- Boston Marathon (2013)
- Boston Marathon bombing
- Boston Medical and Surgical Journal
- Boston Medical Library
- Boston Medical Society
- Boston Phrenological Society
- Boston Public Library/Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA)/ Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) digitization initiatives
- Boston Society for Medical Improvement
- Boston University School of Medicine
- botanical medicine
- botany
- Boylston Medical Library
- Boylston Street building
- Bradford Cannon
- Brigham & Women's Boston Marathon Bombing Ephemera Collection
- Brigham and Women's Hospital
- Brigham Surgical Group
- British Expeditionary Force
- Burns
- Burroughs Wellcome and Company
- C. G. Jung
- cadaveric
- Cancer
- Canon medicinae
- caricatures
- Carol Nadelson
- Carola Eisenberg
- Carry M. Hall
- castings
- catalog
- Catherine DeAngelis
- Center for the History of Medicine
- Central America
- Charles Frederick Heywood
- Charles Fremont Dight
- Charles Guiteau
- Charles Hosea Hildreth
- Charles Lowell
- Charles Phillips
- Charles T. Jackson
- Charles William Eliot
- Chateau de Versailles
- Chauncey Nye Lewis
- Children's Hospital Boston
- Chloroform
- Cholera
- Christine Haycock
- Cineangiography
- Circle of Willies
- Circle of Willis
- Clarence J. Gamble
- Class of 1909
- club feet
- colic
- Combat disorders
- Community mental health services
- Comparative Anatomy
- composite photography
- conjoined twins
- Conrad Wesselhoeft
- Constantine the African
- contraception
- corns
- Coroners
- Corporal Snowdon
- correspondence
- cowpox
- Crawford Williamson Long
- Crimean War
- CT scan
- Cuba
- D. B. N. Fish
- Daguerreotypes
- David D. Rutstein
- David H. Hubel
- David Thompson Watson McCord
- deaf
- Deetjen Collection on Witchcraft
- Delmonico's
- dental instruments
- dentistry
- Dentists
- dentures
- Department of Legal Medicine
- depression
- diagrams
- Diaries -- Women.
- Dickinson-Belskie Collection
- diploma
- dislocations
- dissection
- dogs
- Drawings (visual works)
- Drew Gilpin Faust
- Dwight Collection
- Dwight E. Harken
- E. A. Codman
- E. W Pierce
- eclipse
- edema
- Eduard Pernkopf
- Educational television
- Edward Bibring
- Edward Jenner
- Edward Stanley
- electron microscopes
- Elizabeth (Oliver) Waterhouse
- Elizabeth D. Hay
- Elizabeth Watson (Waterhouse) Ware
- Elizbeth Watson (Waterhouse) Ware
- Ellen Gritz
- Elliott Carr Cutler
- Elliott Cutler
- Elmer Ernest Southard
- embryology
- Enoch Hale
- Enovid
- Erich Lindemann (1900-1974)
- Ether
- Ethnology.
- eugenic family studies
- eugenics
- eugenics laws and legislation
- Europe
- Eva Neer
- Events
- examinations
- Executions
- Exercise
- Exhibit: A Broad Foundation
- Exhibit: A Family Practice
- Exhibit: A Moment's Insight
- Exhibit: A Monumental Success
- Exhibit: Battle-scarred
- Exhibit: Body of Knowledge
- Exhibit: Boston Medical Library
- Exhibit: Charles Lowell's Hip
- Exhibit: Complementary Therapies
- Exhibit: Conceiving the Pill
- Exhibit: Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine Oral Histories
- Exhibit: Galton's Children
- Exhibit: Gilt by Association
- Exhibit: Grand Delusion
- Exhibit: Grete L. Bibring
- Exhibit: Language of the Age
- Exhibit: Leading by Teaching
- Exhibit: Lost Museum
- Exhibit: Magical Stones and Imperial Bones
- Exhibit: Mary Ellen Avery
- Exhibit: Maxwell Finland
- Exhibit: Naval Medicine and the War of 1812
- Exhibit: New Treasures
- Exhibit: Owners and Donors
- Exhibit: Plastic Surgery in Boston
- Exhibit: Refocusing Family Planning
- Exhibit: Sages Scholars and Healers
- Exhibit: Stethoscope Sorority
- Exhibit: Talking Heads
- Exhibit: The Fifteeners
- Exhibit: The Nature of Every Member
- Exhibit: The Scalpel and the Pen
- Exhibit: To Slay the Devouring Monster
- F. J. Caldwell
- Faculty-Trainees
- family planning
- Fanny Appleton Longfellow
- femur
- fever
- finlandogram
- First Operation under Ether
- First Stockbridge Congress on Child Analysis
- Flavius Josephus
- floorplans
- Florence Haseltine
- Florence Nightingale
- Food and Drug Administration
- Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine
- Fractures
- Frances Glessner Lee
- Francis Gorham Brigham
- Francis Moore
- Francis Newton
- Frank Whipple Snow
- Frank Winthrop Draper
- Franz Joseph Gall
- Franz Koenig
- Frederic Thomas Lewis papers. 1663. 1711-1951.
- Frederick Lehner
- Free Hospital for Women
- Friedrich Tiedemann
- Fuller Albright
- Ganz Collection
- Gas warfare
- Gene-Ann Polk
- George Bibring
- George Burgess Magrath
- George Burgess Magrath Library of Legal Medicine
- George Cruikshank
- George H. Monks
- George Hayward
- George Hitchings
- George Hoyer
- George Parkman
- George W. Gay
- George W. Hind
- Gerald Caplan (1917-2008)
- Geraldine K. Martin
- Gertrude Elion
- Gilbert Abbott
- Gilbert Horrax
- Gordon Hall
- gout
- Grave robbing
- Great Britain. Army. No. 11 General Hospital (Etaples France)
- Great Britain. Army. No. 20 General Hospital (Camiers France)
- Great Britain. Army. No. 22 General Hospital (Camiers France)
- Gregory Pincus
- Grete L. Bibring
- Gunshot wounds
- H. F. Aitken
- Halifax Explosion
- Halifax Y.M.C.A. Emergency Hospital
- Hannah Stone
- Harold Bowditch
- Harold C. Ernst
- Harris Mosher
- Harrison Briggs Webster
- Harry H. Laughlin
- Harvard B.E.F. Association
- Harvard Dental School
- Harvard Dental School Museum
- Harvard Dental Unit
- Harvard Hall
- Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin
- Harvard Medical School
- Harvard Medical School buildings
- Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry
- Harvard Medical School Laboratory of Community Psychiatry
- Harvard Medical School Quad
- Harvard School of Public Health
- Harvard Surgical Unit
- Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
- Harvard U.S. Army Base Hospital No. 5
- Harvard University
- Harvard University Service
- Harvard University--Dental School--Class of 1881
- Harvey Cushing
- Havana
- health insurance
- Heart -- diagnostic imaging
- Heart -- Radiography
- Helen F. Kimmens
- Helen H. Tartakoff
- Henry A. Christian
- Henry Jacob Bigelow
- Henry Jacob Bigelow Watercolor Collection
- Henry Parker Quincy
- Henry Pickering Bowditch
- Henry Rouse Viets
- Henry Thomas Alken
- Henry Ware
- herbal
- herbalism
- hernias
- Herrick twins
- Herrman L. Blumgart
- Hip dislocation
- Hippocratic Oath
- histology
- HMS Quad
- Hodges
- Holden Chapel
- Holmes' Loving Cup
- homeopathy
- Honduras
- Horace Wells
- Hospitals
- Hugh Cabot
- Hugh Payne Greeley
- Human dissection
- Human Remains
- humerus
- Hyams Collection
- Hypopigmentation
- immunosuppression
- Imuran
- in vitro fertilization
- in vitro fertilization fertilization
- Incisor
- incunabula
- indigestion
- Insanity defense
- instruments
- International Congress of Eugenics
- International Psychoanalytic Association
- invitations
- Isaac Israeli
- J. B. D. Demeaux
- J. Collins Warren (1842-1927)
- J. Collins Warren (1842-1928)
- J. E. Purdy
- J. Hartwell Harrison
- J. Mason Warren (1811-1867)
- J. Warren White
- Jacob Bigelow
- James Barrett Brown
- James C. White
- James G. Mumford
- James Gillray
- James Jackson
- James Madison
- James McCune Smith
- James Read Chadwick
- James Robinson
- James W. Stone
- Jamse Gillray
- Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery
- Jean Cruveilhier
- Jean Fernel
- Jean Marc Baptiste Bourgery
- Jean-Louis-Marie Alibert
- Jeffrey Reznick
- Joel Babb
- Johann Gaspar Spurzheim
- John Adams
- John C. Howard
- John C. Rock
- John Coffin
- John Collins Warren
- John Collins Warren (1778-1856)
- John Collins Warren Watercolor Collection
- John Doyle
- John Fleet
- John Fothergill Waterhouse
- John Fraser
- John Gorham
- John Homans
- John J. Abel
- John Merrill
- John Orne Green
- John P. Merrill
- John Quincy Adams
- John Ritto Penniman (1782-1841)
- John Shaw
- John Ware
- John Warren (1753-1815)
- John Warren (1874-1928)
- John White Webster
- Joseph E. Murray
- Joseph Murray
- Josiah Johnson Hawes
- Judaica
- Kazanjian
- Kazanjian Family
- Kendall Emerson
- Kennedy Library of English Medical Books
- King George V
- Kraemer Collection
- L. N. Fowler
- laboratory animals
- Lani Graham
- Lecture admission tickets
- Lecture notes
- Leona Baumgartner
- Lincoln General Hospital
- Lithographs
- Longacre Memorial Library of Plastic Surgery
- Longwood campus
- Longwood Dedication
- Loring Tiffany Swaim
- Lost Museum
- Louis Agassiz
- Louisa (Lee) Waterhouse
- Louise Eisenhardt
- Louise Schnaufer
- Louise Schnaufer Oral History Project
- Lucy Graves Taliaferro
- Lyman G. Barton
- Lynn Eckhert
- M. Blanche Wallace
- M. Judah Folkman
- Magrath Library of Legal Medicine
- malaria
- Malkah T. Notman
- Malpractice lawsuit
- Margaret Sanger
- marginalia
- Marguerite Condon
- Marjorie Sirridge
- marriage
- Mary (Waterhouse) Ware
- Mary Ellen Avery
- Mary Guinan
- Mary I. Bunting
- Mason M. Miles
- Mason Street building
- Massachusets. General Court.
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- Massachusetts Homeopathic Fraternity
- Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital
- Massachusetts Homeopathic Medical Society
- Massachusetts Medical Society
- Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society
- Mastodons
- Maxwell Finland
- medals
- Medical colleges--Massachusetts--Boston
- Medical ethics
- Medical examiners
- Medical fees
- medical illustrations
- Medical jurisprudence
- Medical practice
- medical students
- medieval manuscripts
- Mendicant collection
- mendicant literature
- Mental health
- mental illness
- mentoring
- Merrill Sosman
- Michael Faraday
- Microscope slides
- Midwifery
- Military dentistry
- Military hospitals
- Military medicine
- Military nursing
- Military pensions
- Military psychiatry
- Military surgery
- Mindy Ehrhart
- mineralogy
- Miriam Menkin
- Monks Lecture in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Monogenism and polygenism.
- Morton Testimonial Association
- Moses Maimonides
- moulages
- moxibustion
- Mr. Morey
- Murray D. Segal
- Muscles
- Myrtelle M. Canavan
- Mystery Street
- Nathan Keep
- Nathaniel Bowditch
- National Archiv
- National Archives of Plastic Surgery
- National Committee on Maternal Health
- National Medal of Science
- National Reserach Council Committee on Human Reproduction
- natural history
- Natural history museums
- Neoplasms
- Nerves
- Neuralgia
- New England Female Medical College
- Nicola Sacco
- Nitrous oxide
- No. 22 General Hospital (Camiers France)
- Nobel Prize
- Norman E. Himes
- North Grove Street building
- nurses
- nursing
- Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death
- O. J. Pollak
- O. S. Fowler
- Obesity
- Ohl Collection
- Oliver Criminological Collection
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
- Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)
- operating room
- Oral histories
- Oscar C. Tugo
- Oscar C. Tugo (1892-1917)
- Oscar C. Tugo 1892-1917
- Oscar C. Tugo Circle
- Oscar Wallis
- Osler Collection
- Osmium Tetroxide
- Osteological Preparation
- osteomalacia
- Otis Clapp
- Panama
- Panama Canal
- Parkman murder
- Passports
- Pathologists
- Paul Dudley Lamson
- Paul Dudley White
- Paul R. Frost
- Paul Tessier
- pediatrics
- Peter Bent Brigham Hospital
- Peter Oliver
- Phantom limb
- Pharmaceutical kits
- Philippe Ricord
- Phineas Gage
- phlebotomy
- photograph albums
- phrenological readings
- phrenology
- physician and patient
- physicians
- Piebaldism
- plague
- Planned Parenthood
- Plantation life
- Plasma
- Plastic surgery
- Poetry
- political cartoons
- Pope John Paul II
- portraits
- postcard
- Postcards
- PowerPoint
- preparations
- Protocols
- psychiatric hospitals
- Psychiatry--Study and teaching
- psychoanalysis
- Ptolemy
- Public Health
- puerperal fever
- Puerto Rico
- Queen Mary
- Radcliffe College
- Radiation Protection
- radiology
- Ralph Clinton Larrabee
- Rape
- rare book collection
- Rebecca Lee Crumpler
- Reginald Fitz
- religion
- Renaissance Women Oral History Project
- research animals
- Research on Fatal Highway Collisions
- Ricardo Montalban
- Richard Ford
- Richard Herrick
- Richard M. (Richard Manning). 1827-1896
- Richard P. Strong
- Richard Upjohn Light
- Rita Charon
- Robert C. Hinckley
- Robert Druitt
- Robert Green
- Robert H. Ebert
- Robert L. Dickinson
- Robert M. Goldwyn
- Robert Tanner Freeman
- Robert U. Patterson
- Roderick Heffron
- Roger Irving Lee
- Ronald Herrick
- Roy Calne
- S. Burt Wolbach
- S. Roch
- Samuel A. Levine
- Samuel Gregg
- Samuel Hahnemann
- Samuel J. Mixter
- Samuel Thomson
- Sarcolemma
- satires
- Satiric Prints Collection
- Saturday Evening Post
- scalpel
- Scholars
- self medication
- sheet music
- Shock
- Silhouettes
- Simmons College
- Simon of Trent
- Sir Charles Bell
- Sir Francis Galton
- Sir Jonathan Hutchinson
- Sir William Osler
- Skeleton
- skull
- Slave trade -- Great Britain
- Slave trade -- West Indies
- Slave trade--Africa.
- Slaveholders
- Slaveholders--United States.
- Slavery
- Slavery -- West Indies
- Slavery--Great Britain.
- Slavery--Justification.
- Slavery--United States.
- Slaves
- Slaves--Emancipation--United States
- Slaves--Health and hygiene
- Slaves--Medical care
- Slaves--United States.
- Slides (microscopy)
- Slyvanus Fansher
- smallpox
- Social media
- Solomon David Townsend
- Sophie
- Sophie Kazanjian
- South America
- spines
- splints and casts
- Stanley Cobb
- stereography
- stethoscope sorority
- Storer Collection
- stroke
- Strong Medicine
- Suicide
- Summer Street Bridge Disaster
- Sundials
- surgery
- surgical instruments
- Surgical Research Laboratory
- surveys
- Sven | Radiologists | Radiology
- Sven Paulin
- Sweat Glands
- Sylvanus Fansher
- symbolical heads
- syphilis
- Tacey A. Rosolowski
- Taliaferro family
- teaching models
- teeth
- temperance
- Tewksbury Investigation
- the Pike
- Thomas Bibring
- Thomas Dwight
- Thomas George Morton
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Percival
- Thomas Rowlandson
- Thomas Wormald
- Thomsonianism
- Thorndike Memorial Laboratory
- Tichborne Claimant case
- ticket
- Tiedemann Library of Anatomy and Physiology
- Tom Murray
- Townsend W. Thorndike
- Toxicology
- traditional chinese medicine
- Traffic fatalities
- Transcripts
- Transplantation
- Travel
- Travel albums
- Trolleys
- Tropical medicine
- Tropical medicine--West Indies
- Truman Howe Bartlett
- tuberculosis
- tumors
- U.S. Army American Expeditionary Forces
- U.S. Army Base Hospital No. 6
- U.S. Army Mobile Hospital No. 6
- U.S. Army. Mobile Hospital No. 6.
- U.S. Census
- U.S. Department of State
- United States Army Camp Hospital 12th (Le Valdehon France)
- United States Army Camp Hospital 41st (Is-sur-Tille France)
- United States Civil War (1861-1865)
- United States--Description and travel.
- United States. Army. Base Hospital No. 6.
- University of Cambridge
- vaccination
- Valley Forge General Hospital
- Varaztad H. Kazanjian
- Victoria Lehner
- Vincent Duval
- Virginia Murray
- Viriginia Murray
- Vivisection
- W. T. G. Morton
- W. Warwick James (1874-1965)
- Walter B. Cannon
- Walter Channing
- Walter W. Boyd
- War neuroses
- Warren Anatomical Museum
- Warren Library
- Warren Museum of Natural History
- Wax-modeling
- West Indies--Description and travel
- WGBH Boston
- William Clark Beckwith
- William Eustis (1753-1825)
- William Hay Taliaferro
- William Henry Welch
- William J. Kaula
- William Lambert Richardson
- William Mason Cornell
- William Ware
- William Withering
- Wilma Bulkin Siegel
- Winslow Lewis
- Women in Medicine
- Women in Medicine Legacy Foundation
- Women in Medicine Oral History Collection
- Women physicians
- Women's Hospitals
- woodcuts
- Wooster Beach
- World War 1914-1918
- World War I
- World War II
- wounds and injuries
- x-rays