Published by a physician and botanist of the Dutch East India Company in Japan, this text contains the first Western description of acupuncture.
A member of the l'Académie royale de Chirurgie, FranÒ«ois Dujardin reviewed Chinese and Japanese medicine in his survey of the history of surgery. He reproduced several of the plates from Willem ten Rhijne's treatise on acupuncture and, in addition to placing the therapy in its historical context, maintained that it had current practical applications.
Some of the best descriptions and illustrations of acupuncture and moxibustion appear in the work of Englebert Kaempfer who traveled in Japan in the early 1690s. This excerpt and engraving concern acupuncture.
This is a model of human body showing acupuncture points and courses of meridians
This excerpt and engraving about moxibustion are also from Englebert Kaempfer's Amœntitatum exoticarum politico-physico-medicarum fasciculi v quibus continentur….
A later translation into English of the work of Englebert Kaempfer, who traveled in Japan in the early 1690's, as part of an historical survey of Japan