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Anatomists throughout history have worked to discover new angles of approach to the human body in order to reach the fullest understanding of its complexities. In this symposium, our four speakers endeavor to do the same, coming from different…
This lithographic print is based on an original watercolor by Thomas Rowlandson now in the collection of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. It is believed to depict William Hunter (1718-1783) leading students in anatomical dissections in his…
Thomas Dwight, Instructor in Topographical Anatomy and Histology, made these sections of a three-year-old child for use in his lectures at the Medical School in 1880-1881 and were some of the first frozen sections in use in this country. The plates…
A state almshouse for paupers at Tewksbury was founded in 1852. In the 1880s, charges of theft and abuse of the inmates–including the sale of bodies of the deceased to Harvard and other medical schools for anatomical dissection–were…

This pocket case of dissection instruments belonged to George Thomas Perkins (1838-1880), who attended Harvard Medical School from 1855 to 1857. Perkins served as a surgeon during the Civil War and later practiced in Newton Lower Falls. Leather case…
This is one of the several hundred original drawings produced by H. F. Aitken and eventually published in Warren's handbook. The text accompanying this illustration states, "The side of the skull has been cut away; the brain has been removed leaving…
The lineal descendant of John Warren and John Collins Warren, John Warren (1874-1928) received a degree from the Medical School in 1900; he became a professor of anatomy at Harvard and was noted for his dissection work. During the last years of his…
With dissections by Henry Gray, lecturer on anatomy, and H. V. Carter, demonstrator of anatomy at Saint George's Hospital, London, Gray's Anatomy quickly became a standard text for medical students. It first appeared in the U.S. in 1859 and became…
First-year medical students, DeWitt Allen Green, Ernest Bingham Oliver, Harold Bengloff, and Bruce Robinson Merrill, produced these drawings as part of their assigned course work on a cadaver in the fall of 1934. According to the description in…
The Harvard Medical School student in the 1890s attended anatomy lectures four times each week, with additional hours devoted to practical anatomical dissection. Ralph C. Larrabee, who received a medical degree from Harvard in 1897, preserved his…

This notebook was used by John Warren as Assistant, later Associate, Professor of Anatomy, to record the daily outline of lectures and dissections for first and second-year students, from 1911 to 1916. The pages displayed record Warren's notes on…

This pamphlet on anatomy and dissection laws is attributed to English sanitary reformer, Thomas Southwood Smith, who would later perform the anatomical dissection of Jeremy Bentham in 1832. The "additional remarks," included in the reprinting of the…

A state almshouse for paupers at Tewksbury was founded in 1852. In the 1880s, charges of theft and abuse of the inmates–including the sale of bodies of the deceased to Harvard and other medical schools for anatomical dissection–were…

This procedural manual on the preparation of organs and tissue was developed by the Department of Anatomy; the passage displayed outlines work on frozen tissue sections.

The Department of Anatomy produced and distributed this step-by-step manual for dissection "to help the student in the important task of displaying for study the structure of the human body. It represents one plan for completing each day's work with…

Two years after the opening the Medical School, this account, published by the Harvard Corporation in the Boston magazine, described the progress of the new institution. Anatomical study under John Warren was one of the foundations of the curriculum,…

The use of admission tickets for each course of a medical student's education was common until the late 19th century. Students paid the professor or lecturer directly and were then issued these passes for an academic session. Robert Thaxter…

The 16th century English surgeon, John Hall, translated the medieval Chiurgia parva of Lanfranc and added to it his lament for the poor training of surgeons in his own time. His poetical defense of surgery was intended to show "the behavour that is…
While Harvard Medical School received the Warren Library as a bequest of Dr. John Warren (1874-1928), the Boston Medical Library received an endowment of $5000 by his will to establish a fund to acquire rare medical books, particularly works of…

1834 MA Anatomy Law Revision_1.msp.1834.14_Page_1.jpg
Photostat copy of "An act in addition to "An act more effectually to protect the sepulchres of the dead, and to legalize the study of anatomy in certain cases""

1831 MA Anatomy Law_PV341.4_Page_1.jpg
Bound copy of the 1831 "An act more effectually to protect the sepulchres of the dead, and to legalize the study of anatomy in certain cases."

Hodges_Stereoview_Lewis.B3.F12_low res.gif
Animated view of a black and white stereograph exhibiting Harvard Medical School anatomy demonstrator and professor Richard Hodges participating in a research or classroom dissection. Dissection subject stabilized on wooden block.
In his will, Hingham physician Ezekiel Hersey bequeathed £1,000 to the Harvard Corporation to fund a professorship in anatomy and physic [physiology]. Although it took some years for the Corporation to establish a program of medical study, in…
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