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Hand and foot molds
From box titled "Dr. Cushing's Lantern Slides. Base Hospital No. 5." All lantern slides manufactured by Weeke's Manufacturing Co., 181 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
Tags: Harvey Cushing, moulages, World War I
Facial moulages on display
From unlabeled box containing negatives of France, Algeria, portraits, and Kazanjian's facial moulages on display in what is possibly the Harvard Dental School museum.
Facial moulages on display
From unlabeled box containing negatives of France, Algeria, portraits, and Kazanjian's facial moulages on display in what is possibly the Harvard Dental School museum.
Varaztad H. Kazanjian moulages
"GOOD Camiers ck" written on slip of paper inside box. Pictures of Camiers and soldiers on the boat coming home from the war.
Moulages of Corporal Snowdon
During World War I, Dr Kazanjian used his unique surgical skill to treat the soldiers severely disfigured during combat. In 1915, he was appointed Dental Chief of the First Harvard Unit organized to serve overseas with the British Forces. He…
Cannon Moulages
In 1943, Dr. Cannon joined the Medical Corps of the United States Army. He served in the plastic surgery unit at the Valley Forge General Hospital in Pennsylvania, as assistant chief and then chief. This unit performed over 15,000 operations without…
Facial Moulages
During World War I, Dr. Varaztad H. Kazanjian (1879-1974) used his surgical skills to treat the soldiers severely disfigured during combat. In 1915, he was appointed chief dental officer of the First Harvard Unit, organized to serve overseas with the…