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The letter discusses methods employed in setting a hip dislocation as a result of the ongoing trial, Lowell vs. Faxon and Hawkes.

Made at the request of librarian James Read Chadwick, the bronzed fist of Oliver Wendell Holmes was displayed in the original Holmes Hall of the Boston Medical Library's building following the memorial meeting on October 30, 1894. The sculptor,…
Sculptor Truman Howe Bartlett made these photographs and measurements of Holmes at the age of 75 with the intention of making a bust, but the project was abandoned as “the necessary sittings were irksome to the subject.” After…
William P. C. Barton's Vegetable materia medica of the United States, along with Jacob Bigelow's contemporary American medical botany, are the first two American botanical publications with colored illustrations. Barton's contains hand-colored…
In reaction to the harsh practices of regular physicians and also the sweating and purging regimens of Thomsonianism, Wooster Beach developed his own botanical medical system which evolved into medical eclecticism, one of the most popular sectarian…
Letter from Dr. Folkman's former Naval Medical Research Institute colleague, Dr. Fred Becker, in response to recent articles published about Folkman's TAF research. Becker writes that it is "extremely difficult to remain mute in the face of that…

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A 1927 Becton Dickinson Catalog, pages 30 and 31, with images and a list of needles for sale.

As part of his research on deafness, Alexander Graham Bell made statistical analyses of the deaf-mutes and determined that deafness was hereditary and that the number of intermarriages between deaf-mutes was high and growing. He concluded that…
The endpapers of this short work on smallpox vaccination contain a bookplate of Dr. Addison Marshall Clark (1857-1919), an Ohio surgeon, along with an 1894 inscription from Dr. Howard A. Kelly (1853-1943), presenting it to William Osler as “a…

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From a collection of cards and objects sent to the Brigham and Women's Hospital by well-wishers after the terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The collection represents a…
Bernard de Gordon taught in the medical faculty at Montpellier, which was a refuge for Jewish students from Spain. The Lilium Medicinae, written in 1303 and first printed in Naples in 1480, must have been well-known and well-used, as there were 7…

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Figure 33 from Obstetrical Anesthesia, Its Priciples and Practice, Bert B. Hershenson, MD demonstrates the first step in intubating a newborn—placement of the laryngoscope.
Program of the memorial for Sven Paulin hosted by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center on 14 March 2014. The event was titled, "Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center celebrates The Extraordinary Life of Sven Paulin, October 18, 1926 - January 10,…
Program for Sven Paulin's 85th birthday celebration and 5th annual Sven Paulin Lecture, hosted by the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Department of Radiology in October 2011. Dr. Albert de Roos gave the lecture, and the birthday celebration…
Poster for the 5th annual Sven Paulin Lecture and Sven Paulin's 85th birthday celebration, hosted by the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Department of Radiology in October 2011. Dr. Albert de Roos gave the lecture, and the birthday celebration…
A reception was held for Dr. Bibring’s retirement and was granted the title Psychiatrist-in-Chief <i>Emerita</i>.
The mother-son portrait was most likely taken by the family photographer, Edward Bibring.
Edward and Grete were partners in all aspects of their lives. They began their journey together in medical school and continued to support one another both personally and professionally. They were faced with new challenges as Edward

George wrote frequently with his mother in his youth, however, in later years he corresponded more with his father.

Dr. Bibring constructed outlines of each Radcliffe seminar discussion that she directed. She also noted the group dynamic of the seminar by sketching the seating arrangement for each meeting.
According to Dr. Bibring, integrating psychiatric methods into all forms of patient care was essential for a successful recovery. The key was to understand both internal and external factors effecting personality traits and based upon that, determine…
Dr. Bibring was a close colleague to one of the regal members of the psychoanalytic community, Princess Marie Bonaparte of Greece. They corresponded frequently and attended many of the International Psychoanalytic Association meetings together.
She kept detailed notes on all of her dinners, teas, and other social gatherings she hosted. Included in these notes were dates, attending guests, menus and recipes. Dr. Bibring began to expand her culinary talents as a way to deal with the growing…
Dr. Bibring kept close correspondence with her sons George and Thomas while they attended school. She saved many of the letters and drawings that they sent throughout her lifetime.

Case history:From an unidentified soldier whose arm was shattered by gunshot in mid-April 1862. Immediately after the injury fragments were removed from the arm, the ends of the fractured bone were sawed off, and fit together. After six months…

On October 16, 1846, at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. John Collins Warren performed the first public operation on a patient under ether anesthesia administered by dentist William T. G. Morton. Dr. Henry Jacob Bigelow witnessed the event and…

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Plaster head cast of a man with significant head trauma. Cast is attached to plaster pedestal base and the entire work is painted white.

Dr. Henry J. Bigelow writes a letter to Dr. Jewett about Linn, a man with a similar case to Phineas Gage. Bigelow offers advice for different options on how Linn could live his life post accident. An alternative is to continue to study from Linn for…

Dr. Henry J. Bigelow helped with the excavation of Phineas Gage's skull to bring to Boston for further medical studies from his accident. The article provides a summary of the Phineas Gage case with the inclusion of notes he made throughout the…

List of patients who have inhaled ether or chloroform for surgical operations in the Massachusetts General Hospital up to April 1, 1848, furnished by H. J. Bigelow, M.D.

Article from the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal describing first surgical operations using ether anesthesia.
In addition to being a detailed examination of plants native to the United States with their medicinal uses, American medical botany is the first publication in this country to employ a color printing process for its plates, using an innovative…
Holmes said of this portrait, which was acquired by the Boston Medical Library at the time of his book collection and displayed in the original Holmes Hall, “It is there; the age is there; the wrinkles are there. It is a likeness. It is the…

Lucius M. Sargent, an 1857 graduate of Harvard Medical School, was an accomplished draughtsman and was appointed the first artist of the Massachusetts General Hospital. At the beginning of the war, he became a surgeon with the 2nd Massachusetts…

A graduate of Harvard Medical School in 1853, Zabdiel Boylston Adams enlisted in 1861, joining the 7th Massachusetts Volunteers as an assistant surgeon. He was later a captain with the 56th Massachusetts Volunteers. Adams was wounded at Orange…

Designed for students and a testament to the enduring interest in phrenology, this manual attempts to reconcile phrenology with anatomy and "to demonstrate the possibility of the accurate localisation of the phrenological organs in the brain, upon…

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From a collection of cards and objects sent to the Brigham and Women's Hospital by well-wishers after the terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The collection represents a…
Guttmacher traveled to urban and rural destinations as Planned Parenthood President. He lectured on the importance of birth control, met with local family planning leaders, and appeared at Planned Parenthood affiliate offices.
This collar was worn by a Boston streetcar motorman who was subject to attacks of dizziness and loss of consciousness on the job. Upon examination at Massachusetts General Hospital, it was determined that when the motorman turned his head, his stiff…
Dr. Blumgart was the Physician-in-Chief at Beth Israel Hospital that requested Grete to develop and head the psychiatric department in the mid 1940s.
1880 physician's catalogue and price current of homœopathic medicines and books, surgical instruments, and other articles pertaining to a physician's outfit for sale by Boericke & Tafel

From the 1877 physician's catalogue and price current of homœopathic medicines and books, surgical instruments, and other articles pertaining to a physician's outfit for sale by Boericke & Tafel, this engraving shows the Boericke and Tafel…


Bonet de Lates was a Provençal physician and astrologer who settled in Rome, where, in addition to acting as physician to Popes Alexander VI and Leo X, he served the Jewish community as a rabbi. He is best known for his invention of the…

"I have the pleasure to write to you to inform you that the National Commission for Culture in its last session has been awarded a grant to improve studies on child psychiatry in the United States of North America. To congratulate you on the…

Following the discovery of charred human bones and some artificial teeth in the laboratory of John White Webster, Harvard's Erving Professor of Chemistry, scientific experts were called in to provide anatomical and chemical analyses of the remains on…
Just after it absorbed the Boston Medical Library, the Athenaeum issued a published catalogue of its holdings. In this copy, owned by Dr. John Orne Green in 1835, faint pencil notations can be discerned next to most of the entries for the Boston…
In 1929, Boston newspapers ran some unusual articles on the latest acquisition of the Dental Museum. This was no human Tooth, but a mastodon's tusk estimated to be 50,000 years old. Over 11 feet long and weighing 300 pounds, it was one of the…

Roy Arruda was born in 1960 in the Azores

His older brother, who also had hemophilia, died of complications from AIDS in 1995. Roy, who is not married, works as a nursing assistant with people who have AIDS. He is an avid hiker on the Appalachian…

Avida was born in Massachusetts in 1964. At the age of nine he moved to Michigan

He has an advanced degree in psychology and is currently working to grow a nonprofit community arts and wellness center in Massachusetts

He has severe hemophilia,…

Wendell Bourne was born in 1948 in Cambridge, Massachusetts

He is married and has four children and one grandson with

Mr. Bourne is the director of multicultural education for Kindergarten through 12th grade in the Cambridge school…

Cliff Deschenes was born in 1954 in Lawrence, Massachusetts

He works in electronics at Wang Laboratories and is married with two children. One nephew has hemophilia

He has learned to take one day at a time so as not to get too frustrated. Cliff…

Michael Donovan was born in Boston, Massachusetts
in 1962. After his father left the family, Mr. Donovan’s mother moved to Houlton, Maine and, later, to Whitman, Massachusetts, where Mr. Donovan went to school

He has a degree in electronics and…

Michael Dowling is a single man who was born in 1960 in St. Albans, Vermont

He has been very active in the HIV and hemophilia
community. He learned of his positive HIV status when a public health official told him from his car in a parking lot…

Jeryl Drummey was born in 1941 in Brighton, Massachusetts

Married with one daughter, he worked for ten years in a bookstore and then for twenty-five years for a distributor of women’s clothing. Jeryl feels strongly that health providers must…

Andrew Flagg was born in Massachusetts in 1959. His father was a plant manager at a plastics firm and his mother was a bookkeeper. He has two older sisters. His grandfather died from complications of hemophilia when Mr. Flagg was eight years old. Mr.…

Theodore Frost was born in Haverhill, Massachusetts
in 1915. Theodore, who was married but had no children, worked as a carpenter most of his life. He has many memories of years spent in the hospital when he was a child and the miracle of Factor…

Robert Jarratt is a married man who was born in 1943 in Tennessee

He is married and has a daughter. Bob was diagnosed when he was in the Air Force and the confirmation of his diagnosis ended his military career. After open- heart surgery in the…

Christopher Kucinski was born in 1949 in Brockton, Massachusetts

Married with four children, Chris grew up in a family of ten, seven of whom had hemophilia

Chris was loved deeply by his family and was a beacon of hard work and positive…

David LePage was born in 1963. David is single and lives alone. He has dealt with mental and physical challenges throughout his life. He has been a public speaker about his experiences living with chronic illness and has found that his faith has been…
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