Testimonials to the Harvard Surgical Unit
At the conclusion of service with the British army in France, the personnel of the Harvard Unit were given this printed communication, extending the thanks of Field Marshall Sir Douglas Haig as well as the commendation of Hugh Cabot:
The months and years of intimate association under conditions rarely easy, often difficult, occasionally very trying, have developed a working force of extraordinary capacity, the value of which has been generously recognized. But the work which this force can do has not ended with the armistice and will not end with the peace treaty. The peace of the world will require for its maintenance the development of the same qualities which the Staff of "No. 22" developed and demonstrated at Camiers. Recognition of opportunity and fulfillment of obligation may require that the power there acquired be exercised for years to come in order to hold and increase the gain which War has bought at such a price. The Staff of the Harvard Unit acquired tremendous capacity for the work it undertook and has achieved success and commendation, if it has also acquired vision, it has achieved immortality.
In 1937, the men and women of the Harvard Surgical Unit formed the Harvard Unit, B.E.F. Association "to keep alive friendships fostered during the years in France and to have a committee through whom information may be obtained." At the first reunion meeting, Varaztad H. Kazanjian provided a slide show of stereoscopic views taken during his sojourn in France. The issue displayed contains memorial tributes following the death of Hugh Cabot in 1945.
The Association continued to meet and issue an annual newsletter into the 1950s.