The Third Harvard Surgical Unit


Medical Personnel of the Third Harvard Surgical Unit, May 1916

Standing (l-r):

Edward Saunders Dillon
Dennis Rider Wood Crile
Edward Harding
Paul Gustafson
Henry Rouse Viets
Charles William Peabody
George Byron Packard, Jr.
Frederick James Caldwell
Harrison Lindsay Parker
Herbert Hill White

Seated (l-r):

Lyman Sawin Hapgood
Hugh Cabot
George Maurice Sheahan
Carl Merrill Robinson

Gift of Mrs. Frederick J. Caldwell to the Archives of Harvard Medical School, 1970

On May 20, 1916, a third Harvard Surgical Unit, under the command of Hugh Cabot (1872-1945), sailed for Europe aboard the Andania.  George C. Shattuck and C. M. Robinson were with this contingent of 22 surgeons and dentists and 33 nurses.  The third unit was to serve for six months at Camiers.  Soon after the new unit's arrival, the bed capacity of No. 22 General Hospital was increased to 1800, then later, finally, 2380.

A fourth contingent, under Daniel Fiske Jones of Massachusetts General Hospital, along with Paul Dudley White, sailed in August to take the place of personnel whose terms were expiring in September.  

The Harvard Surgical Unit
The Third Harvard Surgical Unit